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indian kids in Mysore


Ashtanga Yoga
¥ 2500-/class​
¥ 11000-/5 classes(1 month)​
¥18400-/8 classes(2 months)​
¥ 17000-/month (new purchase price)
¥ 16000-/month (continuation price)

Ashtanga Yoga Beginner

¥8800-/4 classes (1 month)

Gentle Flow Yoga

¥ 2000-/class
¥ 7200-/4 classes(1 month)
Sunday Yoga
¥ 1800-/class
Yoga Sutra
¥ 500-/class
All Online Classes
¥ 1000-/class​
¥ 4000-/month(Morning Pass)​
¥ 3600-/month (Evening Pass)​
¥ 4600-/month(All Day Pass)
¥ 20 00-/month(Morning Yoga Pass)

Expired Tickets

Within one month of expiry

tickets, you can use

500 yen/each additional fee.

Unused Tickets

​Void after one year from purchase.

*Tickets and passes cannot be refunded.

60 minutes 
¥  7000-/1 person​
¥  8000-/2 people
¥10000-/3 people​
​   内要等要相談
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